ITON: Marie Iton nee HoChoy: Passed away peacefullyon the Friday 30th December2016. We are always saddened by the death of a goodperson. It is from this sadnessthat a feeling of gratitudeemerges. We will always behonored to have had her asour wife, mother and friendShe lived a blessed life serving her Lord and for that wewill joyously celebrate helife.
Marie Iton nee Ho Choywill forever and always belovingly remembered as theLoving Wife of: Wain ItonMother of: Miles MatthewIton. Daughter of: Patricia ItonChoy. Sister of: Angela Henry Majorie Vialva (Florida) andMichael Ho Choy. DaughteIn Law of: Clement and Millicent Iton. Aunt of: KimberlyCrystal and Michael Ho ChoySister In Law of: Andre, Ardonand William Iton.
The FuneraService for the late Marie Itonnee Ho Choy takes place onFriday 6th January, 2017 from11:00 A.M. at St Joseph R.CChurch. Private Cremation toFollow. To offer condolencesto the family please go