Channel: The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper - Deathnotices
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SUBASH PARIAG of San Fer-nando departed this life on Thursday 20th July, 2017 at the age of 63. He would be lovingly remembered as the former Husband of Sandra Hart. Father of Shandel, Shiv-onne, Shenissa and Sheanelle. Son of Dolly Pariag and Sharma Pariag (Deceased). Brother of Sita Gopaul, Satesh (Prakash) Pariag, S avindra (Bobboy) Pariag and Indira (Joy) Seu-radge. Relative of the Jagdis, Dan, Steve, Pastor Hart and Family and many other.

The funeral service for the late Subash Pariag will be held on Tuesday 25th July, 2017 at 2.00p.m at Revival Time Assembly, #1 St. Vincent Street, San Fernando, followed by an interment at Roodal Ceme-tery. Enquires can be made at Belgroves Funeral Home & Crematorium at 223-2178. To extend condolences to the family of Subash Pariag, please logon to www.bel-groves.com 



TALMA, LUKE CHRISTOPHER passed away peacefully on Satur-day 22nd July, 2017. Son of Christopher (deceased) and Camille Talma. Grandson of the late Fred and Jenny Talma and Leo and Margarita Duprey. Broth-er of Jean-Marc, Matthew and Arrianne. Brother-in-law of R obyn.

Funeral service for the late Luke Christopher Talma takes place at The Trinidad & Tobago C ountry Club, L ong Circular Road, on Wednesday 25th July, 2017 at 10:00am, followed by private cremation. Funeral entrusted to C&B. For enquiries, contact Chancellor Walks Funeral Services, 287- 0403/04 



MUZAFFAR, RASHEEDA (née Philomen Wong) passed peaceful-ly on Sunday 23rd July, 2017. Daughter of the late of Joseph Wong and Meta Bascombe. Wife of the late Zubay Muzaffar. Moth-er of Zamir, Zamil, Zein, Zaira and Zubeeda. Grandmother of Brent (Jan), Alyssa, Barry, Heebah ( Le-unes), Farahna, Samir, Stefan, Ashley and Zach. Great-grand-mother of Zev and Zia-Marie.

Sister of the late Arthur Blackman and Marjorie Peters. Mother-in-law of Zenora, Lincia, Billy (dec.), Jean and David. Adopted mother of Marilyn and Will. Cherished friend of many.

Funeral mass for the late Rasheeda Muzaffar takes place at St. Joseph s R. C. Church, Abercromby Street, St. Joseph, on Friday 28th July at 1:00pm thence to Belgrove s, Tacarigua. A collec-tion will be taken up for the L'Hos-pice, Belmont. Funeral entrusted to Belgroves. For enquiries, con-tact Chancellor Walks Funeral Ser-vices, 287-0403/04. 



GOMEZ: WILTON Will Loving-ly be remembered as: Son of: Lewis Gomez (dec) and Fran-cilla Baptise (dec). Husband of Jennifer Thomas-Gomez, Father of: Sherman, Seon and ShellyAnn Gomez. Brother of: Delores (dec), Daphne (dec), Kenneth (dec), Michael/ Clanny, Wilfred and Oswald (dec). Uncle of: Pat Charles, Sheryl, Brian, Dawn, Nina, Nigel (dec) and fifteen others.

Great Uncle of: Latoya, Akini, Jamila, Dean, Daniella, Brent, Malika and many others. Brother in Law of: Vernon/ Sarge (dec), Enelius/ Titi (dec), Elton (dec), Hilton/ Chiney, Willard, Anita, Sylvin, Zella, Judy, Norris, Mary, Linda, Gloria and Util-ma (dec). Uncle in Law of: Verna, Vern, Michael, Allana, Kelly, Billie, Carla, Marie, Sh-eryl, Richard, Roger, Rosetta Singh, Alfred Giles and many others.

Friend of: Pastors Keith and Jenelle Israel, Glenford Degrasse, Abb, Glenroy, Kenny, Antoinette Nesbitt, The Harridass Family, Claren/ Tita, Joyce, Christine, John, Vanes-sa, Terrance, Nunes/ Lance and many others. Cousin of: Jemma, Denrick, Joslyn, Josanta, Claudette, Sandra, Gilda, Allison, Elsa, Carl and many others. Relatives of the Gomez, Thomas, Giles, Singhs, Charles, Samuels, Lesters and Bethels.

Funeral Service on Thursday 26th July 2017 at 12:00 noon at Covenant House Of Praise, Corner of Quarry Street and Diego Martin Main Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad, thence to the Western Ceme-tery, St. James. For en-quiries, please call Clark and Battoo Funeral Home- 625- 1170. To send condolences, please visit our website www.clarkandbattoo.com 



de VERTEUIL, PAUL JOSEPH died peacefully at home on Thursday 20th July, 2017. Son of the late Robert and Caroline de Verteuil. Husband of Joan O Connor and the late Joan de Silva. Father of Jennifer Ferreira (Larry), Christine Phillips (Paul) and Debbie. Grand-father of Natalie, Lesley, Randall and Robert. Great grandfather of Kade, Ethan and Jake. Brother of the late Louis, Bobbie, Hugh, Doreen, Basil, Irma, Edmond, Hélène, Jerry, Madeline and Allan. Lovingly cared for by Elsie.

Funeral mass for the late Paul de Verteuil takes place at 10:30am on Friday 28th July, 2017 at St. Finbar s R. C. C hurch, Diego Martin, followed by private cremation. No flowers by request. Funeral entrusted to C&B. For enquiries, please contact Chancellor Walks Funeral Services, 287-0403/04 



RAMDIN PETER Michael aka Gooti: departed this life on 25th July, 2017 at the age of 81. He would forever live onin the hearts of his Life Companion: Nazeroon Howells. Child: Gwenaelle. Grandchildren: Maelys & Lovanne. Parents: Rambarran & Zoe Ramdin. Siblings: Treovr, Kenneth, Colin & Ronald. Former Wife: Raymonde. Nieces & Nephews: Tara, Zoe, Peter, Leela, Daryl, Donna & Kevin.Friends: Dennis, Shairaz, Junior & Many Others.

The funeral service for the late Peter Michael Ramdin Aka Gootitakes place on Monday 31st July, 2017 from 12:30 pm at Belgroves Memorial Chapel followed by a 2:00 pm cremation at Belgroves Crematorium # 10 Orange Grove Road,Trincity 223-2178 Ext. 556. To offer condolences to the family please go to www.belgroves.com



WELLINGTON: JOCELYN departed this life on Wednesday 26th July, 2017 at Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex at the age of 66. She was the; The wife of Josep hWellington. Mother of Joannand Joel Mother/Aunt of Nkese Parris Adopted Daughter of Shivita Mohan. Grand-mother of Jeremiah Daughter of Elma Parris and CecilGray (deceased) Sister of Emmanuel (Sully), Edwin andTrevor (Sheldon) Parris. Sister in law of Ingrid, Theresita,Gale, Iris, Juiliana, Clare,Carmelita.

Aunt of Lisa, Soliel, Marlon, Wayne, Affoyon, Myles. Niece of Virginia, Bernice Cousin of Errol, Tony, Jenny, Leon, Debbie, Judith, Wonder, Michelle, Mark and many others. Aunt-in-law ofJenny, Maxie, Russell, Curtis, Allison, Josanne, Akeisha and many others. Relative of the Parris, Keith, Marcus, Valley, Narcis families. Close friend of Maureen, Sandra, Laurel,Sham, Sieta, Jerry, Aubert,Ulric, Kelvin and many others.

The Funeral Service for thelate Jocelyn Wellington takes place on Saturday 29th July,2017 from 12: 00P.M. at Uganda Martys Roman CatholicChurch Longdenville, Chaguanas followed by an intermnet at Longdenville Public Cemetery. To offer condolences tothe family please go to www.-belgroves.comDeath



KALLOO: PEARLE NEELAKHAN, age 95 years of Clarke Street, Tunapuna died on Tuesday 25th July, 2017 at the EWMSC. Wife of Earle Nicholas Kalloo Snr. (de-ceased). Mother of Margaret Rampersad (Reynold- deceased), Maureen Kalloo(David) Canada, Nicholas(Verona), Earle Jr. (deceased),Charles Kalloo (Louise) Cana-da, Kathleen Rajnauth(Richard) both deceased and Caroline Bally (Randolph - de-ceased) (Dan). G

randmotherof Alison, Darryl and Jeremy(Canada), Karen, Dominic(Rachel), Shelley, William (Simone), Nisshi (Gregory) and Nalini (Shiva), Peter, NicoleJane (UK). Great Grandmother of thirteen. Sister of Violet, Albertina (Tina), Edwin (Sonny, John, Fred - all deceased) and Rose.

Funeral service forthe late Pearle Kalloo takesplace at 9:30am at the Ara-malaya Presbyterian Church,Cochrane Street, Tunapunathence to the Tacarigua Cre-matorium, Orange GroveRoad, Tacarigua for crema-tion at 11:00am. Enquiries,Lees Funeral Directors, St.Augustine, 663-1010.



LIGORIO LOUISE nee Julien Died on July 10th 2017 in Venice Florida at the age of 90 years. Daughter of Lillian &Patrick Julien of Arouca. Sister of Edna, Inskip, Virginia(Maggie), Scipio, Cassim,Ken, Laura, Marie & Fanny (all deceased). Wife of Nereo Ligorio, mother of Leslie, Deborah, Francesca, Gina, Angeloand Michael. Grandmother of Johann, Ayesha, Natasha, Rachel, Sean and Sarah.Great grandmother of Ayannaand Max.

A memorial service for the late Louse Ligorio will be held at the chapel at Fatima College on Friday July28th 2017 at 5.00 pm



CHARLES: GLORIA died on17th July 2017 at the P.O.S.G.H. Niece of LucyThompson (U.S.A.) Cousin of Clem, Elizabeth, Marina & Kathleen (all of U.S.A.) Niece-in-law of Granville Thomp-son. Friend of Bridget LumKong & others.

Funeral Service at 10:00 a.m. on Friday 28th July 2017, from St. Ann's R.C. Church, St. Ann's, thenceto the St. Ann's Cemetery. Forf urther enquiries please contact C&B 625-1170. To send condolences, please visithttp://www.clarkandbattoo.com/.



BELLAIRE, CARLTON died on Friday 14th July, 2017. Son of Theresa Bellaire (dec.). Family friend of the Smith and Crouch families. Friend of Joan and JoAnn (Boston,USA) and Joan Roach Solomon.

Funeral service a t9.00 am on Saturday 29thJuly, 2017 at Clark & Battoo'sChapel, 11 Tragarete Road POS thence to the Crematori-um, Long Circular Road, StJames. Cremation at11.00am. For enquiries; callC&B: 625-1170 To send condolences please visit our website www.clarkandbattoo.com



RAMROOP MOLLY DULARIE of 1/2 Mile Mark Mausica Road ,Dabadie, died on Monday 24th July 2017 atage 72. She will be lovingly remembered as the wife of the late Clive Ramsaroop. Mother of Selwyn,Debbie & Suzy. Grandmother of Brandon, Ariel,Stephan, Aryan, Aidan & Ethan. Mother-in-law of Cathy & Roshan. Aunt of Anna, Melissa,Gaindee, Devi & Many others

Funeral of the late Molly Ramsaroop takes place on Saturday 29th July 2017 @ 1000am at the H.O.M& thence to the Caroni Cremation Site for cremation according to Hindu Rites



CHAI HONG: FABIAN A 51years of Albuquerque, New Mexico passed away on July 6th 2017 Son of Mervyn Chai Hong (deceased) and Angela Chai Hong Brother of Terry-Ann, Mervyn Jr, Colleen, Mark, Collette, Cassie and Cavelle Uncle of Tsai-Marie Ford and others Nephew of the Barkleys and Chai Hongs Funeral service on Monday 31st July, 2017 at 10:00 am from St. Charles R.C. Church, Eastern Main Road, Tunapuna Interment: Tunapuna Cemetery.



DUBERRY: DESIREE died on 27/7/2017 at the P.O.S.G.H. Daughter of Pearl & Joe. Wife of William Gill. Moher of Dario, Antonio & Camillo. Grandmother of Elena. Sister of Elizabeth, Laura, Michelle, Charles, Denise & Roger. Mother-in-law of Nackeisha. Relative of many. Friend of many.

Funeral Service at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday 2nd August 2017, from Clark & Battoos Chapel, 11 TragareteRoad, thence to the Crematorium, Long Circular Road, St.James for 12noon. For further enquiries please contact C&B 625-1170. To send condolences, please visit http://www.clarkandbattoo.com/.



HEERAMAN: ROBERTO age 7 of Sangre Grande, died on 26th July, 2017. Son of Deonarine and Andrea Heeraman. Brother of Ricardo, Antonio and Ariel Heeraman. Grandson of Margaret and Olson Oliver and Rajmatie Ramdhan and Latchminarine Heeraman (deceased). Nephew of Vashti, Adesh, Rajesh, Allan, Jovan, Adrian and Immanuel. Student of Valencia RC/ Government Primary School. Relative and friend of many.

Funeral service for the late Roberto Heeraman takesplace at 9:40am on Monday 31st July, 2017 at the St. Francis of Assisi RC Church, 59 Brierley Street, Sangre Grande thence to the Valencia Public Cemetery.



ROGERS: VAUGHN formerly of Mission Village, Toco died on Sunday 23rd July 2017. Son of Mabel Rogers-Osouna & Wilfred Luke (decd). Brot-er of Albert, Edmund, Ignacia,Gloria, Murrel & Joy Rogers .Nephew of Millicent Mark(Millie). Uncle of many. Great-uncle of many. Good Friend of Octavia Trotman & many others.

Funeral Service at 2:00p.m. on Monday 31st July 2017, from Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Independence Square, P.O.S.,thence to the Tunapuna Cemetery. For further enquiries please contact C&B625-1170. To send condolences, please http://www.clarkandbattoo.-com/.



CUMMINGS: JAMES DAVID(JIMMY) formerly of Christina Gardens, Arima, passed away peacefully in Diamond Vale, Diego Martin on Tuesday 25th July 2017 at age 80, former Employee of Trintoplan Consultants Ltd., CARIRI, Neal &Massy. Husband of the late Marzella Cummings. Son ofthe late James & Muriel Cummings. Brother of Carl (Cassy) Millington, Leslie (Bunks)Millington, Jacqueline Holford, Florence & Emile Cummings, Elizabeth Cummings-Stowe & Annette Richardson.

Brother-in-law of Margaret Millington, Roy Holford, Yvonne Cummings & Edwin Richardson. Uncle of Debra Thornhill, Janice Smith, Adrian & Anton Millington, Sue-Ann David, Koren Millington,Beverly-Ann Holford-Jack, Ian& Brian Holford, Charmian Romano, Eastlyn Achee, Garvin Cummings, LaVaughn Jones, Janelle Pan & Jonel Richardson. Cousin of Debra, Lincoln, Natalie & JoAnn Haynes, Melva Douglas, Hessel Modeste & others.

Funeral Service at 10:00 a.m. on Monday 31st July 2017, from All Saints Anglican Church, Marli Street, Newtown, thence to the Woodbrook Cemetery, Mucurapo Road. For further enquiries please contact C&B625-1170. To send condolences, please visithttp://www.clarkandbattoo.com/.



CARLOTA HALCYON JACOBS-TAYLOR, of Brooklyn, New York, formerly of #5 Tumpuna Court, Arima, departed this life on Saturday 4th March, 2017. Daughter of Lorna (USA) and Carlton Jacobs (deceased). Ex-wife of Gilbert Taylor. Mother of Danielle and Sheryse Taylor. Sister of Lorene, Curtis(Grenada), Ann Marie (UK),Electra (deceased) and Miriam. Sister-in-law of Angela(deceased), Nancy, Dennis, Dale, Withford, Hulton, Lynton, Michael, Lenore, Linda, Eastlyn and Merlene. Niece of Esla, Earl (deceased), Peterand Beverly.

Aunt of Andre, Heston, Whitney-Ann, Stefan(deceased), Dawn, Damian, Dwayne, Darren, Cleon, Pashan, Kenda, Afiya, Denean(UK) Shani and Mahli. Greataunt of Ishmael, Amaya, Stephanie, Shannia and Haley. Cousin of Aloma, Terry-Ann, Natalie (USA), Brian and Kenrick (deceased), Carrell, Carone, Carianne and manyothers. Dear friend of Ann Marie Danclair, Esther Brooks, Catherine Luces,Lewis Macintosh, Tamara Diaz and many others. Relative of the Jacobs, Taylor, Charles (UK), Aqui, Bledman,Johnson, John (UK), Richard-son (USA), Patrick, Plowdenand Richards (USA) Families.

Funeral service was held in Brooklyn, New York on Friday10th March, 2017. A memorial service will be held on August4th 2017, at 10:00 a.m., St.Marys Anglican Church, Cor. Eastern Main Road and Or-ange Grove Road, Tacarigua.RSVP: 868 759 9115.



WINFORD: ALBERT passed away peacefully on Sunday30th July, 2017. Son of the late Andrew and Olive Winford. Husband of Annette (néeJoaquin). Father of Alyson Mitchell, Derek and Mark Winford. Father in law to Angus Mitchell (dec), Jasmine and Elizabeth Winford. Grand-father of Ayasha Calvahal, Blaine, Brianna, Zane and Faith Winford. Great grandfather of Zachary and Kaleb Calvahal. Brother of Michael(dec), Peter, Gloria, Anne, Carole (dec), Donald, Patricia, Alan (dec), Everard and Gayle.

Funeral mass for the late Albert Winford takes place at The Church of Assumption, Long Circular Road, on Friday 4th August, 2017 at 11:30am followed by interment at Lapeyrouse Cemetery. Funeral entrusted to C&B. For enquiries, please contact Chancellor Walks Funeral Services, 287-0403/04.



TEWARIE RAMESH of 147A Cacandee Road, Felicity died on 01st August 2017 Husband of the late Meela Tewarie Father of Sunil, Shashie, Angie and Valini Grandfather of Kavita, Keel, Kiran, Sarah, Donna and Kayla

Funeral takes place on Friday 04th August 2017 at 10.00am from the House of Mourning thence to the Lakhan Kariah Cremation Site Felicity for cremation

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