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FAKOORY, DEREK passed away peacefully on Monday 31st July, 2017. Son of Tamam and the late Elias Fakoory. Son-in-law of the late Eddie and Molly Dookie. Husband of Elizabeth (neeDookie). Father of Tomo, Daxand Kiemo. Father-in-law of Jenna-Leigh and Kirstin. Grandfather of Chelsea, Annais and Alexander. Brother of Richard Fakoory, Lark Zakour and Tammy Delaney. Brother-in-law of Angela Fakoory, Freddie Zakour and Robert Delaney, Larry and Kenneth(Annie) Dookie and Heather Padia (Owen, dec.).

Funeral mass for the late Derek Fakoory takes place at 10:30am on Monday 7th August, 2017 at The Church of the Nativity, Crystal Stream, followed by private cremation. Funeral entrusted to C&B. For enquiries, please contact Chancellor Walks Funeral Services, 287-0403/04.


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PRAN: DERYCK ANDY age 53 of Tacarigua died on 3rd August, 2017. Son of Leonora and John Pran (deceased). Brother of Cynthia, George(deceased), Doreen, Judith, Dave, Horace, Terrence and Wayne. Uncle and friend of many.

Funeral service for the late Deryck Andy Pran takes place at 2:30pm on Saturday 5th August, 2017 at the Katallasso Ministries, Eastern Main Road, Tacarigua thence to the Crown Street Cemetery. Enquiries, Lee's Funeral Directors, 663-1010.


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CHECKLEY: ALFRED Snr. Former principal of Basse Terre(Moruga) R.C, Penal R.C, San Fernando Boys R.C, Former School Supervisor died on 8th July, 2017 (U.S) Funeral took place on 11th July, 2017 (U.S) A memorial Service will be held on a date to be announced in Trinidad.


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CHECKLEY: ALFRED Snr. Former principal of Basse Terre(Moruga) R.C, Penal R.C, San Fernando Boys R.C, Former School Supervisor died on 8thJuly, 2017 (U.S) Funeral took place on 11th July, 2017 (U.S) A memorial Service will be held on a date to be announced in Trinidad.


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BAZZEY: GARVIN of Coconut Drive, San Fernando passed away on Sunday July 30th, 2017 at the age of 74. Husband of Judith Son of Verona George (deceased) Step-son of Reuben George (deceased )Father of Neischa, Kerra and Colin Adopted Father of Andrew Alexander Brother of Leonie Baker-Carty, Radcliffe Baker (both deceased) and Evelyn Baker Brother-in-law of Terry and Reuben Lewis, Glenda Henry, Rita Frederick, Michael Wilson, Earlese Leacock (deceased), Linda Welcome (deceased), Garvin and Elton Lewis (deceased)

Uncle of Hazel, Gail, Junior, Lystra, Glen, Dianne and Brian Carty Nephew of Daisy Scipio, Hilary, Clifton, Ashton and Viola Bazzey, Lotilda Scott (all deceased) and Ethelda Bazzey-David Cousin of Eileen Dick, Dennis, Maureen, Helen, Maggie, Ursilla and Gregory Bazzey, Yvonne, Sylvia (both deceased), Rawle, Maye, Arn-im, Nigel, Janet, Alban Scott, Lynnette Payne, Ronald and Denise David, Elizabeth Bonair Relative of the Huggins, Creese and Harper families Friend of Kelvin Braithwaite, Winston Woodley, Leslie Cole, Steve and Yvette Drayton, Peter Griffith, Clifford Jeremy and many others

The funeral service of the late Garvin Bazzey will take place on Wednesday 9th August,2017 at 2:00pm at St Paul's Anglican Church, Harris Promenade, San Fernando followed by Cremation at 5:00pm at J. E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd.#120 Coffee Street, San Fernando. No flowers by request. A donation will be collected at the church. Enquires can bemade to J. E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd.,#120 Coffee Street, San Fernando (235-5049/652-4261 or657-5465). Condolences can be sent to guides funeral-home.com.


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JONES: MALCOLM ANTHONY of 1B Mc Lelland Street, St. Joseph Village, San Fernando passed away on Friday 4th August, 2017 at the Augustus Long Hospital Petrotrin, Pointe-a-Pierre. Husband of Brenda Jones Father of Fay Blackburne, Michael Jones (deceased), Marlon Jones, Mark Jonesand Matthew Jones

Funeral Arrangements would be published in a subsequent announcement. Enquires can bemade to J. E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd.,#120 Coffee Street, San Fernando (235-5049/652-4261 or657-5465). Condolences canbe sent to guidesfuneral-home.com.


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MAXIMAY NIKOLAI MARC: Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University died on July 22, 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the son of Steve and Arlene Amann-Maximay, grandson of the late Rupert and Cynthia Amann, the late Marjorie and Carlton Philipand Arthur Maxime. Nephew of Bert and Linda Tongs, Alvin and Colleen DeGannes, Veronica Kalloo, Mona, Jeffrey, Joycelyn, Judy, Gemma and many others; Cousin of Tasha, Gemma, Ken, Jean,Clive, Marina, Tahira, Kairi, Arlene, Christine, Gabriella and many others; friend to many, at home and abroad.

A memorial service for the late Nikolai Maximay will take place at Our Lady of Fatima R.C. Church, Bushe Street, Curepe on Monday 7th August, from 9.30 a.m.


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ROBERTS, ELTON KENRICK better known as Joeboy from #16 Quarry, East Dry River, Port of Spain. Funeral service 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday 8th August, 2017at Holy Rosary R.C. Church , Port ofSpain thence to the Woodbrook Cemetery. For enquiries, please call Clark and Battoo Funeral Home- 625-1170. To send condolences,please visit our website www.clarkandbattoo.com


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JONES: MALCOLM A., CMG of 1B Mc Lelland Street, St.Joseph Village, San Fernando passed away on Friday 4th August, 2017 at the Augustus Long Hospital Petrotrin, Pointe-a-Pierre. Husband of Brenda Jones Son of the late Theresa Jones Father of Fay Blackburne, Marlon Jones, Dr. Mark Jones, Matthew Jones and the late Michael Jones Brother of Theophilus and Pearl Braithwaite and others Father-in-law of Frederick Blackburne, Natalia and Judy-Ann Jones Son-in-law ofthe late George and Beryl Browne Brother-in-law of Alison Wong, Carol Mendoza, Martin Browne, the late Steve and Blanche Browne Grandfather of Maeghan, Marcus and Michael Jones Uncle of many Relative of the Henry and Hem-Lee families

The funeral service for the late MALCOLMA. JONES, CMG will take place on Thursday 10th August, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at the Pro Cathedral Our Lady of Perpetual Help R. C. Church, Harris Promenade, San Fernando followed by a Private Cremation. No flowers by request. Parking is available at St. Joseph Convent and Presentation College. Shuttle service provided at Presentation College to and from the church between 12:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Return trips will commence after the mass. Enquires can be made to J. E.Guide Funeral Home & Cre-matorium Ltd., #120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando (235-5049/652-4261 or 657-5465).Condolences can be sent to guidesfuneralhome.com.


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BAZZEY: GARVIN of Coconut Drive, San Fernando passed away on Sunday July 30th, 2017 at the age of 74. Husband of Judith Son of Verona George (deceased) Step-son of Reuben George (deceased) Father of Neischa, Kerra and Colin Adopted Father of Andrew Alexander Brother of Leonie Baker-Carty, Radcliffe Baker (both deceased) and Evelyn Baker Brother-in-law of Terry and Reuben Lewis, Glenda Henry, Rita Frederick, Michael Wilson, Earlese Leacock (deceased), Linda Wel-come (deceased), Garvin and Elton Lewis (deceased) Uncleof Hazel, Gail, Junior, Lystra, Glen, Dianne and Brian Carty Nephew of Daisy Scipio, Hilary, Clifton, Ashton and Viola Bazzey, Lotilda Scott (all deceased) and Ethelda Bazzey-David Cousin of Eileen Dick, Dennis, Maureen, Helen, Maggie, Ursilla and Gregory Bazzey, Yvonne, Sylvia (both deceased), Rawle, Maye, Arnim, Nigel, Janet, Alban Scott, Lynnette Payne, Ronald and Denise David, Elizabeth Bonair Relative of the Huggins, Creese and Harper families Friend of Kelvin Braithwaite, Winston Woodley, Leslie Cole, Steve and Yvette Drayton, Peter Griffith, Clifford Jeremy and many others

The funeral service of the late Garvin Bazzey will take place on Wednesday 9th August, 2017 at 2:00pm at St Paul's Anglican Church, Harris Promenade, San Fernando followed by Cremation at 5:00pm at J. E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd.#120 Coffee Street, San Fernando. No flowers by request. A donation will be collected at the church. Enquires can be made to J. E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd.,#120 Coffee Street, San Fernando (235-5049/652-4261 or657-5465). Condolences can be sent to guidesfuneral-home.com.


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PEMBERTON MARY ALICE born 25th January 1914 to Tinu Leopold Assam and Cissin Damiana Estrada-Joseph died peacefully on August 5th 2017. Sister of thirteen brothers and sisters (all deceased). Wife of Kenneth Christopher Pemberton (deceased), (son of the late Rev.Canon James Pemberton). Mother of Gerard (Kathryn), Ian, Peter (deceased), Michael(Roshnee). Grandmother of Monty (Adonia), Cecile, Tiffany (Malcolm), Rhiannon, Stephanie, Eli (Angeli) and Christopher (Olivia) and Dylan. Great-grandmother of seven. Aunt of Nola Thomas, Pamela Laurie, Angela Valdez, Gloria, Rita, Boyie and others of the Pierre family, the St Lawrence family and many others. Beloved friend of the Monteil, Niamath, Jaggassar, Ramdeen, Richards, Gunness and, Talma families. God-mother and adopted mother of many including Dr Morgan Basanta.

Funeral service will be on Friday August 11 that 10.00 am at Chaguanas RC Church thence to Lapeyrouse Cemetery, Phillip Street, Port of Spain. A Collection will be taken for Chaguanas R.C Church and the Retired Nurses Group. For enquiries, call C&B 625-1170 or visit clarkandbattoo.com


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SEATON, Olga died 5th August,2017 at her residence #5 Stewart Lane, Belle Eau Road, Belmont. Wife of the late Edwin Seaton. Daughter of the late Josephine Weston. Mother of Edgar (Kenrick), Daniel, Bernice (Webster), Dennis, Althea Isom (USA), Everald, Norris, Yvette (USA), Antoinette (Clarke), Stephen (Canada). Adopted Mother ofClayton Belle and Eugene Francis. Grandmother of 27. Great Grandmother of 26. Great Great Grandmother of 2. Cousin of Joyce Hall, Berinatta Tim Kee and many others. Relative of Weston, Waldron, Bernard, Huggins, Coopers, Ayers and Myers. Friend of many.

Funeral at 9 am Monday 14th August, 2017 at St.Francis R. C. Church, Belmont Circular Road, Belmont thence to lthe Mucurapo Cemetery. TO SEND CONDOLENCES PLEASE VISIT www.clarkandbattoo.com For enquiries; call C&B: 625-1170


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ATTERSON, MEYGAN Loretta. Daughter of Cyril & Ella Quash (dec.). Wife of Charles Patterson (dec.). Mother of Michael & Dave. Grandmother of Christian, Jean Charles &Shane. Mother-in-law of Allison & Lou Anna. Sister of Phyllis & Irma (both dec.), Jean Seignoret & Geral Quash. Sister-in-law of Earl, Pamela & Courtney. Aunt of Frances, & Peter Seignoret, Stephane, Nikolai, Jean-YvesQuash, Denise, Gerald & Lisa Thomas, Roger Patterson, Don& Rhonda Dalrymple. Relatives of the Pattersons, Pierres, Pitcherys & St Louis families.

The funeral of the late Meygan Patterson will take place at 10.30am on Tuesday 15th August, 2017 at St Finbar’s R.C. Church, Four Roads, Diego Martinthence to the Lapeyrouse cemetery.For enquiries; call C&B: 625-1170 To send condolencesplease visit our website www.clarkandbattoo.com

LEACOCK: Leon Lennox

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LEACOCK: Leon Lennox departed this life on Monday 7th August 2017. He will be lovingly remembered as the sonof the late Maude Hamiltonand Leopold Leacock. Husband of the late Jocelyn Leacock. Father of Lorraine Leacock, Cheryl Leacock- Newalloand Tonia Leacock- Gooding.Grandfather of Mariessa, Chantal, Matthew, Joshua,Luke, Nicholas, Liam, Christina and Dominic. Great Grand-father of Azariah and Malachi. Brother of Derris Beckles and deceased- Harold, Hugh, Neville, Godfrey, Rita and others. Former Principal of St.George's College. Founding Father of the Insurance Industry Credit Union.

Funeral mass for the late Leon Leacock takes place at 9:00am on Monday 14th August, 2017 at the Church of the Nativity, Crystal Stream, Diego Martin thence to the Woodbrook Cemetery, Mucurapo. A collection will be taken up for The Living Water Hospice. Enquiries, Lees Funeral Directors, 50 EMR, St.Augustine, 663-1010.


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KIRTON, MAURICE WILFRED, Retired Hospital Supplies Officer of #126 Eighth Street, Barataria passed away onSaturday 5th August, 2017 atthe Port-of-Spain General Hospital. He was the son of the late Elton and Daisy Kirton. Husband of Charlotte Taitt-Kirton. Father of Mauricia Kirton-Campbell and Roxanne Kirton. Father-in-law of Ajamo Verne Campbell. Grand-father of TyriqueCampbell. Brother-in-law of 9(1 deceased). Cousin of the Timothys, Malcolms and others. Friend of many.

The funeral service of the late Maurice Wilfred Kirton takes placeTuesday 15th August, 2017 atthe Trinity Cathedral Church, Hart Street, Port-of-Spain at 9:00 a.m thence to the Woodbrook/Mucurapo Cemetery. For enquiries; call C&B: 625-1170 To send condolences please visit our website www.clarkandbattoo.com

EVELYN, Ruth Aileen

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EVELYN, Ruth Aileen née Butcher died peacefully in the Lord at the Lodge Nursing Home- Tuesday 8th August, 2017-age 91yrs. She was the daughter of Thomas and Iris Butcher (both dec.) of St.Lucia. Sister of Leome Martin, Leida (dec.), Leonard (dec.), Winnifred, Lindberg and Myrle Butcher. Widow of Kenneth Murray- Evelyn (dec.). Sister-in-law of Vera Butcher. Auntof 11, including Roger and Wayne Butcher.

Funeral service of late Ruth Aileen Evelyn takes place- 12.00 noon-Monday 14th August, 2017-All Saints Anglican Church,Marli Street- thence to the Lapeyrouse Cemetery, Phillip Street. Enquiries; call C&B:625-1170. To send condolences please visitwww.clarkandbattoo.com

ALLEYNE: Terrence

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ALLEYNE: Terrence of 8 Cravat St, Trincity died on Sunday 6th August, 2017. He was the son of Albert and Yvonne Alleyne. He was the father of Danielle, Nakita, Sowande, Aaron, Afi, Shania, Jafari, Al Janee and Zion Alleyne also the grandfather of Christian, Garvin and Zoe. He was the brother of Anthony, Morris,Trevor, Tracy, Dr.Tricia Al-leyne and Tammy. Uncle of many. Relative of the Grants, Inniss and Fredericks. Friend of many and loved by many.

The funeral of the late Terrence Alleyne takes place on Monday 14th August, 2017 at 3pm at the Church of the Latter Day Saints of Olton Trace and the Priority Bus Route Arima. Interment Tunapuna Cemetery. Enquiries can bemade at De Four's Funeral Services- 684-8357


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RAHAMUT: MADGE KATH-LEEN SHEILA A.K.A. MARGIE of #26-30 HubsonStreet, San Fernando passedaway on September 8th, 2017at the age of 92. She was theSister of Molly, Carol, Patrickthe late Kenneth and Leslie.Sister in law of Anne,Dhropatee the late Oswaldand Sheila. Aunt of Michael,Tereselle, Patrina, Lauriana,Kevin, Alan, Ricardo, KennethJr., Kitty, Sharon, Anthony,Tara, Leslie Jr., Tammy andCurtis. Friend of many. Thefuneral service of the lateMADGE KATHLEEN SHEILARAHAMUT a.k.a. Margiewill take place on Thursday14th September 2017 at 11:00a.m. at the St. Joseph RomanCatholic Church, TorrenceStreet, Mon Repos followedby Cremation at 2:00 p.m. atJ.E. Guide Funeral Home andCrematorium Ltd, #120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando. NoFlower by request. However,a donation will be collected atChurch for the St Vincent DePaul Home for the Age. En-quires can be made to J.E.Guide Funeral Home & Cre-matorium Ltd. #120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando (235-5049/ 652-4261 or 657-5465).Condolences can be sent toguidesfuneralhome.com.


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CREED-HARRY: BERNADINE age 65, of St. Clair Gardens,Trincity died on Sunday 10thSeptember, 2017. Daughter ofthe late Kelvyn and MablePierre. Wife of Kenneth.Mother of Kendine, Tisha,Richard and Shastri. Sister ofKelvyn and June. Aunt ofAynsley, Kern, and Nigel. Sis-ter in law of Jean, Joycelyn,Ronald, Yvonne (deceased)and Merle (deceased). Rela-tive of the Pierre, Young,Arthur, Creed-Harry, Creed,Harry and Berahzer families.Friend of many. Funeral ser-vice for the late BernadineCreed-Harry takes place at2:30 pm on Saturday 16thSeptember, 2017 at Our Ladyof Lourdes RC Church, East-ern Main Road, Tacariguathence to the Tacarigua Cre-matorium, Orange GroveRoad Tacarigua for cremationat 5:00pm. Enquiries, Lee'sFuneral Directors, 663-1010.


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LOOS-VILLAFANA, VISIAMARIA Co-Founder of LouisC. Villafana and CompanyLimited passed peacefully athome on Wednesday 6thSeptember, 2017 at the age of96. Daughter of the late Euse-bio and Mercelita Loos. Wifeof the late Louis Carl Vil-lafana. Mother of Renny (de-ceased) and Raymundo.Mother-in-law of Ann-MarieVillafana (née de Gannes).Grandmother of Nabila andGiancarlo. Sister of the lateAlcira, Camilio, Elsio, Juanand Lucia. Relative of theLoos (Curaçao/Netherlands),Palm, de Windt, Rafaela (all ofCuraçao), Lumsden (Canada)and Padmore families. Funer-al service for the late VisiaLoos-Villafana takes place atThe Church of the Assump-tion, Long Circular Road onFriday 15th September, 2017at 10:00 am thence to the St.James Crematorium. Funeralentrusted to C&B. For en-quiries, please contact Chan-cellor Walks Funeral Services,287-0403/04.

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