Channel: The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper - Deathnotices
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TAYLOR DR. Ewart H. U.


TAYLOR DR. Ewart H. U. (re-tired lecturer University of theWest Indies, St. Augustine)departed this life on Wednes-day 6th September, 2017 atthe age of 78. He will be lov-ingly remembered as Hus-band of Margaret (nee Ben-nett). Beloved father of NicoleTaylor-Aidoo, Charlene Tay-lor-Basso and Lisa TaylorGrandfather of Adia, Alanaand Myles. Father-in-law ofJohn, Colin and Aaron. Son ofThe late Alan and Muriel Tay-lor. Brother of Muriel, Mar-jorie, Hillary, Rupert, Yvonne,Linda (all deceased), Arthur,Daphne, Euphemia, Henryand Yolande. Uncle of BertBlades, Patrick Taylor, BrendaCelestin, Karen Lange, HazelBranche, Clyde James Jnr.,Faye Clinton, Kerby Taylor,Lyndon Thomas, Colin Hard-ing, Andy Collins and manyothers. Relative of the Cross,Mc Clean, Glenn and Salandyfamilies. Brother-in-law tutor,mentor and friend of many.The Funeral Service for thelate Dr. Ewart Taylor takesplace on Thursday 14thSeptember, 2017 from 10:00am at the All Saints AnglicanChurch, # 13, Queens ParkWest Port of Spain followedby a private cremation at Bel-groves Crematorium, # 10 Or-ange Grove Road, Trincity223-2178 Ext. 556. No flowersby request. To offer condo-lences to the family please goto www.belgroves.com



RODRIGUEZ SR. ANNEMARIE of the Congregation ofthe Sisters of St. Joseph ofCluny, died peacefully on 8thSeptember, 2017. She wasthe daughter of Louie and Ce-celia Rodriguez (both dec)and sister of Father Neil andSister Glenda Rodriguez (bothdec). Relative of the Ro-driguezs, the Jemmotts andthe Nyrans. The funeral Ser-vice of the late, Sr. AnneMarie Rodriguez takes placeon Thursday 14th September2017 at 9.00 a.m at the St.Joseph's Convent Chapel,Abercromby Street, Port ofSpain, thence to the Lapey-rouse Cemetery, PhillipStreet, Port of Spain. For en-quiries; call C&B: 625-1170.To send condolences pleasevisit our websitewww.clarkandbattoo.com



SPRINGER, STEPHANIE bet-ter known as Miss Ena died6th September, 2017. Wife ofthe late Rolly Springer. Moth-er of Janice, Sharon andCharmaine. Grandmother ofDennis Victor. Sister of Ruthand Eric. Grandmother-in-lawof Allison Victor. Sister-in-lawof Herman, Arthur, Althea,Cynthia, (all deceased) Merleand Glenda. Mother-in-law ofLennox. Relative of the Dop-wells. Spiritual Daughter ofBishop Ruby Hunte. Funeralat 10:00 am Thursday 14thSeptember, 2017 at Clark andBattoo Chapel. 11 TragareteRoad, Port of Spain thence tothe Tunapuna Cemetery. TOSEND CONDOLENCESPLEASE VISIT www.clarkand-battoo.com. For enquiries;call C&B: 625-1170



ARCHIBALD LIBERT “KENNY” of# 22 Mora Terrace, Boys LaneD'Abadie died on Friday 8thSeptember 2017. He was the sonof Alfred and Mildred Archibald(deceased). Husband of JosephineArchibald (deceased). Brother ofAlan, Rhoda, Shirley, Betty (de-ceased) and Alice. Father of Ali-son, Garfeild, Bernadette, Byron,Crystal and Candice. Grandfatherof Kyle, Marissa, Sean, Mikhail,Makala, Kimoy, Julian, and many others. Great Grandfather ofmany. Uncle of Eunice, Dexter,Clinton, Patsy, Hartley, Anthony,Beverly, Kathleen,Winston, andClive (deceased) and many others.Great Uncle of Inez, Vidya, Fasim-ba and many others. Brother inlaw of Irvin, Angela and Barbara(deceased). Friend of Sagram,Deurine, Nathan, Wayne andmany others. In Law of the Vi-dale's and Waldropt's. Father inlaw of Eugene, Rhette and Marlon.Godfather of Sherma and Daniel.

The funeral servicefor the late Lib-ert “Kenny” Archibald takes placeon Saturday 16th September 2017at 12.00 noon from JUNIOR ARM-STRONG MEMORIAL FUNERALSERVICES CHAPEL # 14 KingStreet, Arima thence to BelgroveFuneral Home Crematorium. Or-ange Grove Road Tacarigua forcremation at 2.00 p.m Enquirescan be made at Armstrong's Ari-ma. Tel: 667-3250/ 776-2613



LOOS-VILLAFANA, VISIAMARIA Co-Founder of LouisC. Villafana and CompanyLimited passed peacefully athome on Wednesday 6thSeptember, 2017 at the age of96. Daughter of the late Euse-bio and Mercelita Loos. Wifeof the late Louis Carl Vil-lafana. Mother of Renny (de-ceased) and Raymundo.Mother-in-law of Ann-MarieVillafana (née de Gannes).Grandmother of Nabila andGiancarlo. Sister of the lateAlcira, Camilio, Elsio, Juanand Lucia. Relative of theLoos (Curaçao/Netherlands),Palm, de Windt, Rafaela (all ofCuraçao), Lumsden (Canada)and Padmore families. Funer-al service for the late VisiaLoos-Villafana takes place atThe Church of the Assump-tion, Long Circular Road onFriday 15th September, 2017at 10:00 am thence to the St.James Crematorium. Funeralentrusted to C&B. For en-quiries, please contact Chan-cellor Walks Funeral Services,287-0403/04.



MC LEAN LILIAN C. departed this life on Wednesday 6thSeptember 2017 from ReidLane Arima at the age of81yrs. She was the daughterof the late Arthur and AlicaMc Lean. Sister of Albert McLean (UK), Gloria Bruce (T&T)and Lorna Rosa Plata (dec.)Mother of Margaret, Kath-leen, Pauline and Elizabeth.Grandmother of Apphia,Deeyente, Kwhame, Jessie,Samantha, Michael, Rachel,Sammie and JHayden. GreatGrand mother of Adian, Ari,Jeremiah, Jasmine, Elijah andAva. Mother in law of MichaelMaxima, Alan Green, JerryMc Dormott and TerrenceSealey. In law of Heather McLean (UK), Irving Bruce andVivian Plata (dec.). Aunt ofCarl (dec.), Victor, Marlean,Stephen, Christine, Neil, An-drew, Theresa, David, Valarie-Ann, Michael and many oth-ers. Relative & Friend of McLean, Reid, James, Payne,Horsham, Beckles, Bains,Carter, Dowdens, Stoutes,Millette, Green, Sealey,Bruce, Plata, Maxima andmany others. The funeral ser-vice for the late Lilian C. McLean takes place on Thursday14th September 2017 at 10.00a.m from the St. Jude's Angli-can Church thence to the Anglican cemetery. RailwayRoad, Arima. The body leavesJUNIOR ARMSTRONGMEMORIAL FUNERAL SER-VICES # 14 King Street, Ari-ma at 9.30 a.m for the Church.Enquires can be made atARMSTRONG'S FUNERALHOME. ARIMA. Tel 667-3250/776-2613



NESBITT: MICHAEL, The fam-ily of MICHAEL NESBITT re-quest the honour of yourpresence at a special ceremo-ny as we Celebrate his Life.The Ceremony takes place atthe Arouca Revival Taberna-cle, Ford Street via WaterlooRoad, Arouca on Friday 15thSeptember 2017 at 10:00 am,followed by an interment atOrange Grove Memorial Gar-dens # 10 Orange GroveRoad, Trincity. At the ceremo-ny, you will have an opportu-nity to share your fondestmemories of Michael.Michael will be lovingly re-membered as the: Son of:Ulric Nesbitt & Esther Nesbitt{both dec} Brother of: Os-mond Nesbitt, Earl Nesbitt{dec.} & Brian Nesbitt {dec.}Uncle of: Kevan Quammie,Keron Young & Kevan Victor,Tshaka, Nattie & CandiceCousin of:Sylvia & Franklyn(both dec) Ambrose, Cynthia,Kurt, Ephraim, Kathleen,Cheryl, Margaret, Mark, Nigel,Shirma, Debra, Keith Gilkes,Boyer & David Friend to: DaveDedier, Carlisle Maitland &too many others to mention.To offer condolences to thefamily please go to www.bel-groves.com



ARCHIBALD LIBERT “KENNY” of# 22 Mora Terrace, Boys LaneD'Abadie died on Friday 8thSeptember 2017. He was the sonof Alfred and Mildred Archibald(deceased). Husband of JosephineArchibald (deceased). Brother ofAlan, Rhoda, Shirley, Betty (de-ceased) and Alice. Father of Ali-son, Garfeild, Bernadette, Byron,Crystal and Candice. Grandfatherof Kyle, Marissa, Sean, Mikhail,Makala, Kimoy, Julian, and many others. Great Grandfather ofmany. Uncle of Eunice, Dexter,Clinton, Patsy, Hartley, Anthony,Beverly, Kathleen,Winston, andClive (deceased) and many others.Great Uncle of Inez, Vidya, Fasim-ba and many others. Brother inlaw of Irvin, Angela and Barbara(deceased). Friend of Sagram,Deurine, Nathan, Wayne andmany others. In Law of the Vi-dale's and Waldropt's. Father inlaw of Eugene, Rhette and Marlon.Godfather of Sherma and Daniel.

The funeral servicefor the late Lib-ert “Kenny” Archibald takes placeon Saturday 16th September 2017at 12.00 noon from JUNIOR ARM-STRONG MEMORIAL FUNERALSERVICES CHAPEL # 14 KingStreet, Arima thence to BelgroveFuneral Home Crematorium. Or-ange Grove Road Tacarigua forcremation at 2.00 p.m Enquirescan be made at Armstrong's Ari-ma. Tel: 667-3250/ 776-2613



CREED-HARRY:  BERNADINEage 65, of St. Clair Gardens,Trincity died on Sunday 10thSeptember, 2017. Daughter ofthe late Kelvyn and MablePierre. Wife of Kenneth.Mother of Kendine, Tisha,Richard and Shastri. Sister ofKelvyn and June. Aunt ofAynsley, Kern, and Nigel. Sis-ter in law of Jean, Joycelyn,Ronald, Yvonne (deceased)and Merle (deceased). Rela-tive of the Pierre, Young,Arthur, Creed-Harry, Creed,Harry and Berahzer families.Friend of many.

Funeral ser-vice for the late BernadineCreed-Harry takes place at2:30 pm on Saturday 16thSeptember, 2017 at Our Ladyof Lourdes RC Church, East-ern Main Road, Tacariguathence to the Tacarigua Cre-matorium, Orange GroveRoad Tacarigua for cremationat 5:00pm. Enquiries, Lee'sFuneral Directors, 663-1010.



CHIN, SYLVIA (new Wong FoSue) passed away on Thurs-day 14th September, 2017.Beloved wife of Horace Chin(deceased). Mother ofMichael (deceased). Lovingsister of Ivy Martin, BoysieWong Fo Sue and EulinChang, all deceased. Relativeof the Wong Fo Sue, Chin,Martin, Chang and Beddoefamilies. Aunt of many. Friendto many.

Funeral Mass at 8:30am on Wednesday 20thSeptember, 2017 at the As-sumption Church, 70 LongCircular Rd., Maraval, fol-lowed by a private cremation.An offering will be collectedfor the Hassne Home for theAged. No flowers by request.For enquiries; call C&B: (868)625-1170. To send condo-lences please visit our web-site www.clarkandbattoo.com



CREED-HARRY: BERNADINE age 65, of St. Clair Gardens,Trincity died on Sunday 10thSeptember, 2017. Daughter ofthe late Kelvyn and MablePierre. Wife of Kenneth.Mother of Kendine, Tisha,Richard and Shastri. Sister ofKelvyn and June. Aunt ofAynsley, Kern, and Nigel. Sis-ter in law of Jean, Joycelyn,Ronald, Yvonne (deceased)and Merle (deceased). Rela-tive of the Pierre, Young,Arthur, Creed-Harry, Creed,Harry and Berahzer families.Friend of many.

Funeral ser-vice for the late BernadineCreed-Harry takes place at2:30 pm on Saturday 16thSeptember, 2017 at Our Ladyof Lourdes RC Church, East-ern Main Road, Tacariguathence to the Tacarigua Cre-matorium, Orange GroveRoad Tacarigua for cremationat 5:00pm. Enquiries, Lee'sFuneral Directors, 663-1010.



FARAH: FRANCES passedaway peacefully on the 11thof September, 2017. Born onthe 1st April, 1941, she wasthe daughter of FrankChookolingo and ZenatoonKhan. Mother of Michael Rah-man, Gilberte O'Sullivan andAnthony Farah. Grandmotherof Faisal, Maryam, Yusuf andGibreel Rahman and Rhian-non, Sinead and Conor O'Sul-livan. Mother-in-law of ValerieRahman and Sean O'Sullivan.Frances also leaves to grieve,Richard Farah and closefriends Aurelia, Margaret,Bernadette, Farida, Gita andClothide.

The funeral mass ofthe late Frances Farah will beheld on Monday 18thSeptember at 10 a.m. at St.Ann's Catholic Church. Pri-vate interment.



LEWIS, BRETA formally of Calder Hall Rd, ScarboroughTobago, died on 13th Septem-ber 2017. She was the wife ofWillis Lewis (dec). Mother ofBarbara and Ulyth. Sister ofGodwin, Sybil, Lillis, Ignez,Glenfern, Agnes, Emile (alldeceased) and Winston.Grandmother of Akilah. Moth-er in-law of Jerry Eversley.Aunt of many.

The Funeralservice will take place onTuesday 19th September2017 at the TranquilityMethodist Church, cornerStanmore Road and TragareteRoad Port of Spain at 9:00 amand thence to the Woodbrookcemetery for interment. Forfurther enquiries, Please callClark and Battoo @665-5266.



CHIN, SYLVIA (new Wong FoSue) passed away on Thurs-day 14th September, 2017.Beloved wife of Horace Chin(deceased). Mother ofMichael (deceased). Lovingsister of Ivy Martin, BoysieWong Fo Sue and EulinChang, all deceased. Relativeof the Wong Fo Sue, Chin,Martin, Chang and Beddoefamilies. Aunt of many. Friendto many. Funeral Mass at 8:30am on Wednesday 20thSeptember, 2017 at the As-sumption Church, 70 LongCircular Rd., Maraval, fol-lowed by a private cremation.An offering will be collectedfor the Hassne Home for theAged. No flowers by request.For enquiries; call C&B: (868)625-1170.

To send condo-lences please visit our web-site www.clarkandbattoo.com



FARAH: FRANCES passedaway peacefully on the 11thof September, 2017. Born onthe 1st April, 1941, she wasthe daughter of FrankChookolingo and ZenatoonKhan. Mother of Michael Rah-man, Gilberte O'Sullivan andAnthony Farah. Grandmotherof Faisal, Maryam, Yusuf andGibreel Rahman and Rhian-non, Sinead and Conor O'Sul-livan. Mother-in-law of ValerieRahman and Sean O'Sullivan.Frances also leaves to grieve,Richard Farah and closefriends Aurelia, Margaret,Bernadette, Farida, Gita andClothide.

The funeral mass ofthe late Frances Farah will beheld on Monday 18thSeptember at 10 a.m. at St.Ann's Catholic Church. Pri-vate interment



LEWIS, BRETA formally ofCalder Hall Rd, ScarboroughTobago, died on 13th Septem-ber 2017. She was the wife ofWillis Lewis (dec). Mother ofBarbara and Ulyth. Sister ofGodwin, Sybil, Lillis, Ignez,Glenfern, Agnes, Emile (alldeceased) and Winston.Grandmother of Akilah. Moth-er in-law of Jerry Eversley.Aunt of many.

The Funeralservice will take place onTuesday 19th September2017 at the TranquilityMethodist Church, cornerStanmore Road and TragareteRoad Port of Spain at 9:00 amand thence to the Woodbrookcemetery for interment. Forfurther enquiries, Please callClark and Battoo @665-5266.



WILTSHIRE: SELWYN AN-THONY died peacefully at thePOSGH on Tuesday 12thSeptember, 2017. BelovedSon of Wilbert and Rose Wilt-shire (deceased). Father of Si-mon. Brother of Louis,Winthrop (Sherron)(Grenada), Honor (USA), Win-ston, Halcyon Wiltshire-Rouse, Rosina (Jan Loubser)(Barbados), Nathaniel (Mari-lyn) and Lynette (CarlyleSealy-Atwell). Uncle ofColleen Davis, Susan,Michelle, Heather, Charene(USA), Andrei (UK), Nicholas(Dubai), Priscilla, Brian, Gail,Christopher, Raymond, Karen(USA), Tonni (Barbados),Adele (Canada), Fayola,Safiya, Aisha (USA), Damaliand many great nephews andnieces. Relative of the Maugh-an, Alleyne, Brewster, Claxtonand Cox families. SpecialFriend of Sherry-Ann, LennoxBaptiste, the Ince and Rousefamilies, Michael and TheresaNoel, Robert and Florence DeSilva and many others. Mem-ber of The Lydian Singers,Toastmasters and Circle ofPoets.

Funeral service for thelate Selwyn Anthony Wilt-shire takes place at 9:30 amon Wednesday 20th Septem-ber, 2017 at the All Saints An-glican Church, Marli Street,Port-of-Spain thence to TheCinerary, Long Circular Road,St. James for cremation at12:30 pm. No flowers by re-quest. Enquiries, Lee's Funer-al Directors, St. Augustine,663-1010.



WILT SHIRE: SELWYN AN-THONY died peacefully at thePOSGH on Tuesday 12thSeptember, 2017. BelovedSon of Wilbert and Rose Wilt-shire (deceased). Father of Si-mon. Brother of Louis,Winthrop (Sherron)(Grenada), Honor (USA), Win-ston, Halcyon Wiltshire-Rouse, Rosina (Jan Loubser)(Barbados), Nathaniel (Mari-lyn) and Lynette (CarlyleSealy-Atwell). Uncle ofColleen Davis, Susan,Michelle, Heather, Charene(USA), Andrei (UK), Nicholas(Dubai), Priscilla, Brian, Gail,Christopher, Raymond, Karen(USA), Tonni (Barbados),Adele (Canada), Fayola,Safiya, Aisha (USA), Damaliand many great nephews andnieces. Relative of the Maugh-an, Alleyne, Brewster, Claxtonand Cox families. SpecialFriend of Sherry-Ann, LennoxBaptiste, the Ince and Rousefamilies, Michael and TheresaNoel, Robert and Florence DeSilva and many others. Mem-ber of The Lydian Singers,Toastmasters and Circle ofPoets.

Funeral service for thelate Selwyn Anthony Wilt-shire takes place at 9:30 amon Wednesday 20th Septem-ber, 2017 at the All Saints An-glican Church, Marli Street,Port-of-Spain thence to TheCinerary, Long Circular Road,St. James for cremation at12:30 pm. No flowers by re-quest. Enquiries, Lee's Funer-al Directors, St. Augustine,663-1010.



OSUJI DR. ROSE (neé CHILA-KA) departed this life on Sun-day 3rd September, 2017 atEric Williams Medical Sci-ences Complex at the age of72. She will be lovingly re-membered as the: Wife of: Dr.Paschal Osuji Mother of:Uche Osuji, Dr. Nnenna Osu-ji, Ijeoma Osuji, Dr. ChinedumOsuji and Chukwuma Osuji(deceased) Grandmother of:Chidima, Chike and ChimaOsuji; Lewis, Seumas, Chia-maka and Olanna Brown;Francesco and Chiara Osuji;Jasmin Bohni. Mother in-lawof: Alessandra and Sune Osujiand Jan Bohni. Daughter of:The Late James Chilaka andTheresa Chilaka Sister of:James, Austin (deceased) andJoseph Chilaka, GertrudeIhenetu (deceased),Bernadette Egegbara, Dr. Pa-tricia Aligwekwe, AnneAmanze (deceased). Aunt of:Andrea, James and AmandaChilaka; Chioma, Uzoamaka ,Chimereze and Chibuzo Chila-ka; Chi-Chi, Ebere, Nkechi,Ikechukwu, Ihekwoaba, Obi-ageri; Otito, Ihunaya, Anuli,Nchekwube, Amarachi,Kelechi, Chidubem; Obinna,Obumneke, Endy, Onyinyeand Ikenna. Cousins of:Cousin to many, Friend of:Friend to many, Teacher to:many many more.

The funeral service for the late DR.ROSE OSUJI takes place onTuesday 19th September,2017 from 11:00 am at St.Joseph Roman CatholicChurch, followed by a 2:00pm cremation at. BelgrovesCrematorium # 10 OrangeGrove Road, Trincity 223-2178Ext. 556. A Repass will followat 3:00 pm at the St Mary'sAnglican Church Hall. To offercondolences to the familyplease go to www.belgroves.-com



CHIN, SYLVIA (new Wong FoSue) passed away on Thurs-day 14th September, 2017.Beloved wife of Horace Chin(deceased). Mother ofMichael (deceased). Lovingsister of Ivy Martin, BoysieWong Fo Sue and EulinChang, all deceased. Relativeof the Wong Fo Sue, Chin,Martin, Chang and Beddoefamilies. Aunt of many. Friendto many.

Funeral Mass at 8:30am on Wednesday 20thSeptember, 2017 at the As-sumption Church, 70 LongCircular Rd., Maraval, fol-lowed by a private cremation.An offering will be collectedfor the Hassne Home for theAged. No flowers by request.For enquiries; call C&B: (868)625-1170. To send condo-lences please visit our web-site www.clarkandbattoo.com

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