TAYLOR DR. Ewart H. U. (re-tired lecturer University of theWest Indies, St. Augustine)departed this life on Wednes-day 6th September, 2017 atthe age of 78. He will be lov-ingly remembered as Hus-band of Margaret (nee Ben-nett). Beloved father of NicoleTaylor-Aidoo, Charlene Tay-lor-Basso and Lisa TaylorGrandfather of Adia, Alanaand Myles. Father-in-law ofJohn, Colin and Aaron. Son ofThe late Alan and Muriel Tay-lor. Brother of Muriel, Mar-jorie, Hillary, Rupert, Yvonne,Linda (all deceased), Arthur,Daphne, Euphemia, Henryand Yolande. Uncle of BertBlades, Patrick Taylor, BrendaCelestin, Karen Lange, HazelBranche, Clyde James Jnr.,Faye Clinton, Kerby Taylor,Lyndon Thomas, Colin Hard-ing, Andy Collins and manyothers. Relative of the Cross,Mc Clean, Glenn and Salandyfamilies. Brother-in-law tutor,mentor and friend of many.The Funeral Service for thelate Dr. Ewart Taylor takesplace on Thursday 14thSeptember, 2017 from 10:00am at the All Saints AnglicanChurch, # 13, Queens ParkWest Port of Spain followedby a private cremation at Bel-groves Crematorium, # 10 Or-ange Grove Road, Trincity223-2178 Ext. 556. No flowersby request. To offer condo-lences to the family please goto www.belgroves.com